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Curriculum Overview

Urban Innovators provides an immersive STEAM curriculum in Entrepreneurship & 3D Printing, Robotics, Drones, Agriculture, Videography, Animation, Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Crime Scene Investigation, and Finance. Introduce students to a hands-on curriculum that provides tangible results.

Building a Robot


Urban Innovators guides its students through a build of a simple robot, teaching the foundation of building and creating. Thereafter, students will learn how to build their own motherboard, making it fully functional.


Students are guided through a series of activities that assist them in creating their own invention. The class teaches students how to create a prototype using 3D printed designs. Students will create a business plan, and at the end of the course will present their ideas to a panel of judges.

In a Meeting
Flying a Drone

Drone Flight

Not only will students build, code, and operate drones, they will apply skills to tackle present day demand. Students will learn how to map their surrounding areas, and how to shoot a video and get footage of a local sports team, all with the use of drones.


Our agricultural curriculum teaches students how to be resourceful in their own backyard. Students will learn skills in farming and marketing. While learning how technology plays a part in how food is produced, students will get a well rounded view of how agriculture shapes the world around them.

Kids in Vegetable Farm
Recording English Class


Students will be introduced to the basics of videography. At the end of this course, students will create their own short film, which will include directing and editing their videos. Students will apply both contemporary and traditional filmmaking methods.


Our animation course is perfect for gamers! Not only will students understand how animation works, but will also use their time creating their own animation, whether it be through short films or video games. Students will learn the back and front end of coding and animation.

Digital Animator


Urban Innovators prides itself in providing a full range of courses for its students. We want to make sure students are able to apply skills wherever they go. The programming course will teach students JavaScript, C++, Python, HTML and Scratch. Students will participate in activities that will allow them to create video games and websites.

Artificial Intelligence

Who does not want to know how Facetime works? We guide students through the world of CNN, Computer vision, Robotics and Machinery, Categorization and Organization and the four types of artificial intelligence. Students will gain an understanding of how machines “touch”, “feel”, and “see” in this course.

Programmer in Server Room
Crime Scene Investigation

Crime Scene Investigation

High School students will closely follow a real life investigative case. They will study each aspect of the case, identifying how technology can be used to solve problems. Students will get an understanding how of the FBI and Police strategize movement to make the best plan of action to solve a crime. 

Finance(Coming Soon!)

Coming soon! Our finance course will explain stocks, bonds, trusts, different types of insurance and banking. Our goal is to set our students up for financial success!

A man pointing at his laptop screen
Graduating Students

Senior Seminar(Coming Soon!)

Coming soon! Our focus is to ensure students know how to market themselves as they take their next steps. We will guide students through the college application process, will help them build a resume and complete job applications with them. We want to start our students out on the right foot as they complete our STEAM curriculum.

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